
PENgine is a pen-based engine that easily creates speed draws and line art picture music videos by recording x and y coordinates as the user draws so post-drawing modifications can be created.

Check out the project here.

It featured speed draws, PMVs, a drawing editor and a section on how it works.

The speed draws can be essentially at any speed and play out the drawing order and movements.

PMVs take a drawing and make it slightly wiggly but retain the general shape, producing a fun style that many animators enjoy using in PMVs. It save them time otherwise spent on redrawing a picture numerous times.

The drawing editor can be used to sample the program in the original project or to record drawings to display in PMVs or speed draws in remixes. It includes clear and undo buttons as well as a watch button to watch the speed draw (even in an unfinished drawing).

How It Works explains how to use the program. I created it with the intent of helping artists and animators save time; instead of capturing numerous images while they draw, the program will auto-record the process, skipping unnecessary undos and clears. Instead of redrawing an image, the program will generate random but quality wiggly renderings. This section also explains how to use the code to create the final product. Remixes on my side account have further information and are examples of what the finished product should look like.

A sequel to Pengine is being planned. It'll include color, eraser, thickness, layers and shade.

Last but not least, thank you for your support! PENgine was featured in the What the Community is Loving section on the front page a few days after release.


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