
This blog has undergone some major redesign, starting with a new template and format. The standard Blogger template has been switched out for a special template from online by pasting in the new source code and tweaking it a bit. Credits for the template designer can be found at the bottom of the page. (Many thanks to the creator!)

I've also unpublished all 108 posts and started anew. However, I'll be republishing old posts again.
I'll have to do some minor editing, unfortunately, since the new template staggers the posts strangely if the images aren't the same size.

Old pages are being replaced as well. Sadly the text adventure, The Forest, is no longer around, but the new pages will be a ton more useful; they'll showcase my projects, contacts on other websites and an about section. The Tutorials page was merely links back then so it'll be converted to a post for now and might be uploaded again later, after the addition of pictures and GIFs.

I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on the redesign and fresh new start!



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