Mass Interview: Biggest Scratch Goal

Here is the next installment of the Mass Interview Series! Numerous Scratchers shared their biggest goal on Scratch, which ranged from being featured to inspiring others.
Here are over thirty quotes.

"My biggest goal? Hmm that's a hard question, considering that I'll always be improving and moving forward, finding new goals to reach. My biggest goal on Scratch is probably to have such a large impact on the community that I will be remembered positively for a long time. I want to inspire others and bring joy to their lives. I want to be the reason why someone joined, decided to learn programming or try something new. I want to do something big. I want to positively influence numerous lives."

"My biggest goal in Scratch is to inspire as many people as I can. That may sound a little cheesy, but I believe that if I inspire one person to create a great project then they may inspire other people who inspire other people and so on. Anyone can create an amazing project if they just have the inspiration to do it. Anyway, that's my biggest goal on Scratch"

"Getting featured would be great but it's not about the amount of views or followers I amass. I think a lot of people forget that scratch was created not as a popularity site as whoever has the most amount of followers is the most respected and the best. It was created to give the feeling I can make anything that anyone else on this website can make if I put my time and effort into this. Now it might take a couple of tries (Look at my projects how they have evolved my first one is so bad lol). My goal on scratch has already been reached honestly. To make peoples eyes go wide and know that I amazed or inspired someone is great! That person might have clicked see inside and from that understood and learned and is now off and making there own games. It is a great feeling a hard one to describe but yeah to say what are my goals that is about it."

"Hmm...well, to be honest, I don't exactly have a big "goal" for scratch? I really just wanna make funny little videos (and sometimes AMV's or more serious ones) and post my art and stuff, and once the time comes later on, I hope to go on to art college and once that happens I don't know if I'll have time for scratch anymore...although scratch is really special to me, so hopefully I'll find a way where I'll have time to keep doing it...I don't know..."

"My biggest goal in programming is to create a fully functional artificial intelligence with a slick interface and cute vector design. I've already been featured but still I have hopes of one day making an Artificial intelligence."

"My biggest goal is to be happy and helpful on Scratch. I like to try and make Scratch a better place to be."

"My biggest goal in Scratch is to become an FPC and to get an episode of The Wand featured! And to become a front page curator, or get featured. Something like that."

"I first saw Scratch browsing on the internet. It was 2 years ago. I found some people named "scratchU8" and "WazzoTV". They were my inspirations. After 2 or 1 year(s) of looking at projects, I wanted to make my own! Soon, StoneHedgehog15 was born. I was on scratch for 7 months. After having 365 projects, I wanted to change my name and stuff. That's when I came in. I haven't shared as much as my old account, but I'm still a old pro. That's my Scratch story."

"My biggest goal in programming is...well either to make an iOS game/app (that'll hopefully go viral...? Ok, never mind) and a DAW that'll be cheap, easy to use and professional."

"For Scratch I just wanna have fun, for programming, I wanna make some game I have come up with already that Scratch probably cant handle (cause they're 1st person 3D and stuff)."

"My goal in Scratch Programming is to get better!"

"To be as good as my mentors, You, Griffpatch, Ceebee, etc, etc."

"Yeah... just one, err... Top Loves."

"I create many different projects in scratch but mostly in the form of drawings and my main goal is to make people smile with them. I draw things as gift to people I love, to show my appreciation, and giving inspiration for others. In short, my goal is to spread happiness in scratch as scratch gave me the happiness to express my feelings."

"I would love getting featured or becoming an SDS curator, but that's not my biggest goal on Scratch. My biggest goal on Scratch is to inspire other scratchers to program and be proud of their work. Another big goal of mine is to have 1000+ followers, because that shows how much my hard work has payed off. Overall, I would like to be a role-model for other scratchers and to have 1000+ followers."

"I started scratch nearly 3 years ago with the help of @LionScratch- and made an account called @JacobLOLZ44. I then switched to a different account; @BananaMan444TV- and then I really changed. My art improved drastically, and I was very happy with my take on Scratch there. But then I moved again- to this account. I made a few animations, and then at 300 followers- without saying anything- I left. For over a year. ......... Then I decided to come back- and I re-shared a project that I had started before I left; Oreo. I finished the project- and had it up for a few days. Then- a couple people said "this is featured" and at the time I didn't know what that meant, but then I go onto the Scratch homepage- AND THERE IT IS! MESSAGES COME IN LIKE CRAZY - AND IT ULTIMATELY REACHES 10000+ FAVORITES!!! So I would say that is my biggest accomplishment on Scratch- getting Oreo featured. The rest is just project making history."

"To get prepared for my future career as a computer programmer!"

"My biggest goal; personality: gentle, helpful, respectable; model: ScratchStang. Programming: 3D image, a nice long adventure game, etc. Model: ScratchStang. I'm not kidding."

"Leveling up my computer programming skills. That's now a bit now leaning to learn lots about Scratch, and give it back to Scratchers. (via the forums)"

"My biggest goal on Scratch is to meet as many people as possible, and I love working in the SDS so being a curator would be amazing."

"My biggest goal would be to become a SDS Curator and a FPC."

"To meet people on Scratch and become a senpai/mentor for someone. To someday become an SDS curator."

"Become FPC!"

"My biggest goal is to become Front Page Curator! I've actually applied 3+ times, so it's really important for me."

"My biggest goal on scratch is to be like Griffpatch and as boss as you! I would like to be like you and Griffpatch because all those followers would inspire me to make more interesting projects! I would also like to be a part of the Scratch Team because I have never been on a team for scratch before. But it would also be cool if I could be featured though! My 1 big goal in Scratch is to get 50 followers! 37 to go!"

"My biggest goal on scratch is to become as good as you (ScratchStang) and Unrealisation. I'm preparing for a future programming career, I already take camps. I have gone to MSU, Hope college, and this summer I'm going to university of Michigan for a java scripting camp."

"My biggest goal has to be having my animations be recognized enough in order to be used as an inspiration to other people."

"Probably earning enough experience with animation to earn me a well-paying job later on in my life."

"I'd have to say getting to be an SDS curator, or maybe helping out in the community some other way."

"Well, I guess my biggest goal on Scratch would probably be to just inspire those around me and keep the site together, I guess! Cheesy as it sounds, that's all I've really wanted to do!"

"My biggest goal... probably getting featured, as long as it's a project I'm really proud of and want people to see."

Thanks everyone for participating! These goals are all amazing and will inspire us and many others to learn and scratch on.

If you haven't been interviewed twice yet, feel free to participate in the next one! Just answer:
How do you get ideas for projects?
You can answer it in the comments below (please say your username) or on my Scratch profile. Check out the series page for past interviews!

Thanks for reading, scratch on!




  1. Hello! My goal was on this! I am wghenry (if my username says different)

  2. Getting ideas for projects is actually quite hard, even if I'm the guy who gets inspiration from nearly everything. For games, just backgrounds, environments etc. For animations, music, lyrics, my own feelings, when I'm on the Internet etc. Usually I don't even know where I get these ideas from, like you see something and it triggers an idea from your subconsciousness? (My username is cl0450)

    1. WHOA I GET INSPIRATION ALMOST THE SAME WAY OMG and thanks, I'll add it! :D

  3. I'm banana439monkey: I don't actually know - I guess it's helping around and shop requests, but I also find a guide on the raspberry pi website and use it with my pi

    1. Cool, is that your response for the next interview?

  4. I really get ideas from scratchers who do cool things! A simple project such as, a chicken shooter, may give me great ideas! Just scratchers in general may give me ideas too! If I was to go to Driftersheep's profile, I would get good pixel ideas! if I was to go to Dragofish's I would get castle ideas. (Vilix)


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