Flat Design

Flat design is a cool design style so here's a quick overview of it.

According to Wikipedia:
"Flat design is a style of interface design emphasizing minimum use of stylistic elements that give the illusion of three dimensions (such as the use of drop shadows, gradients or textures) and is focused on a minimalist use of simple elements, typography and flat colors."
In people-talk it's flat, generally simple and has no ambient shadows. Shadows have a gradient (they fade from one color to another) or are hard (a solid color). Flat design is useful because it removes all the clutter and cuts to the chase. It efficiently conveys info and looks great, too.

Here's some examples of flat design.

Flat design is commonly used in icons and logos.

It also looks great on websites.

In addition, it can be applied to games!

Thanks for reading! I hope this provided helpful insight or sparked your interest in flat design. Scratch on!


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