Mass Interview: Inspiration

I posted "How do you get ideas for projects?" on my profile and the previous interview. Here are the responses! :)

I don't have a quote for this mass interview because I recently wrote a post on how to get ideas. Click here to read it!

"Getting ideas for projects is actually quite hard, even if I'm the guy who gets inspiration from nearly everything. For games, just backgrounds, environments etc. For animations, music, lyrics, my own feelings, when I'm on the Internet etc. Usually I don't even know where I get these ideas from, like you see something and it triggers an idea from your subconsciousness?"

"Helping around and shop requests, but I also find a guide on the Raspberry Pi website and use it with my pi."

"I get ideas from the community around me and everyday life. What I really enjoy is when I get a totally random idea and just need to start working on it."

"I really get ideas from scratchers who do cool things! A simple project such as, a chicken shooter, may give me great ideas! Just scratchers in general may give me ideas too! If I was to go to Driftersheep's profile, I would get good pixel ideas! If I were to go to Dragofish's I would get castle ideas."

"I get ideas by looking at popular games on the app store and seeing if I could make a similar game. If that does not work, I see what is popular on Scratch and plan my next game around it. Also, in my everyday life, I look around and see if I can find any new material for a game. Bouncing your idea off other Scratchers also helps..."

"I get ideas by lots of things. Let's see, books, ads, real-life games, and lots of others. Sometime it's art that pops in my head, sometimes it's a game, and sometimes it's an animation."
@ Helveticaz 

"I have no idea how I get ideas. Maybe I can make an idea machine that thinks up ideas for the idea-less. Now there's an idea. (Reading and drawing a lot and generally just having an active imagination is great, but if you aren't naturally disposed toward that, try this: )"
Note: The link is really, really cool.

"I get ideas many ways. I can get ideas by thinking about what has happened to me, or some projects on Scratch I saw or made, or comments in projects."

"I get ideas either from looking at other projects, or when something just pops into my mind."
@JBGT (@Tildo)

"I get ideas when I think about events in real life, or when I see a game I really like. I ask myself; "Is there a way to make it even better?" and make it. But, I never seem to finish it."

Thank you everyone who participated! We had a lot less respondents this time because I didn't ask around the community. However, I hope you all enjoyed reading this. If you have another method, feel free to comment below!

Thanks for reading, scratch on!


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Flat Design

Flat design is a cool design style so here's a quick overview of it.

According to Wikipedia:
"Flat design is a style of interface design emphasizing minimum use of stylistic elements that give the illusion of three dimensions (such as the use of drop shadows, gradients or textures) and is focused on a minimalist use of simple elements, typography and flat colors."
In people-talk it's flat, generally simple and has no ambient shadows. Shadows have a gradient (they fade from one color to another) or are hard (a solid color). Flat design is useful because it removes all the clutter and cuts to the chase. It efficiently conveys info and looks great, too.

Here's some examples of flat design.

Flat design is commonly used in icons and logos.

It also looks great on websites.

In addition, it can be applied to games!

Thanks for reading! I hope this provided helpful insight or sparked your interest in flat design. Scratch on!


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