Being Interviewed by the Scratch Team

Recently I got interviewed by the Scratch Team.

One day, I got an alert on my profile. I've never gotten one prior to this so I didn't even know what alerts looked like, so if you don't know either, this is what it looks like:

I was chosen because I am very active in the Scratch community.

Anyway I followed the instructions and set up an interview. Instead of choosing to call or Skype them, I emailed a Scratch Team member my answers.

The questions included very personal things, such as who I am and how my school, friends and family views Scratch. It also dealt with what I do in the Scratch community, things I like or dislike, social interactions, how I discovered Scratch, learning processes, and general tech questions.

All of the interviewees' answers are anonymous and help the Scratch Team and people at MIT improve Scratch.

Thanks for reading! Share this post to support my blog and feel free to comment. Scratch on!




  1. So... you never had any alerts before then? :-O How is that possible? I currently have ten alerts. Bad ones, lol. Congrats, by the way! If it's finished, did it go well?

    1. Yup, that was my first one. Oh haha I'm really cautious about what I say. (Gotta protect the little kids lol.) And thanks! It went fine, although I spent like a week to type everything when a spoken interview would be about an hour XD

    2. can't have been your first one haha, you get a welcome alert when you first create your account! :P :)

    3. I created my account more than five years ago, so that feature wasn't implemented at the time. Cool to know that the Scratch Team does that now, though!

  2. Wow! That's super cool. Also, I love your blog...! I've bookedmarked it. I've never gotten any alerts, but my friend has.

    1. Wow thanks! More great content coming soon haha. Oh that's good in your case. Hopefully your friend didn't get banned D:

  3. It would be really cool to have an interview.

    1. Yup! If the ST noticed you helping out a lot they may ask you to participate.

  4. That's really cool! (Awesome blog, by the way!)

  5. interveiwed! :OOOOOOO i'm so jealous and happy for you! J1

  6. Wow! I've only gotten one alert. (bad, the moderators can't tell what advanced sarcasm is)

  7. Did you get into the Scratch Team?

    1. The interview was just about my experience with Scratch LOL they only let adults into Scratch Team.


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